• CAS: 118-96-7
  • Chem formula: C7H5N3O6
  • MIL-DTL-248D

Trinitrotoluene, commonly known as TNT, is a renowned explosive compound with a rich history in military and industrial applications. Its chemical structure consists of a trinitrophenyl moiety attached to a toluene ring, resulting in a yellowish solid that is relatively stable under normal conditions.

TNT’s stability, combined with its high energy yield upon detonation, has made it a staple in military munitions, including artillery shells, bombs, and landmines. Its use extends beyond warfare into civilian sectors, where it serves as a key component in mining, quarrying, and demolition operations.

One of TNT’s notable characteristics is its insensitivity to shock and friction, rendering it safer to handle and transport compared to some other explosives. Additionally, TNT produces minimal toxic byproducts upon detonation, making it a preferred choice in scenarios where environmental impact is a concern.

Despite its advantages, TNT does have limitations. Its relatively low detonation velocity means it is less effective than some modern explosives in certain applications. Furthermore, TNT’s production requires precursors that are derived from petrochemicals, raising environmental and geopolitical concerns.

Nevertheless, TNT remains a crucial component in the arsenal of explosives, balancing reliability, safety, and performance in various military and civilian contexts. Its enduring legacy underscores its importance in shaping the landscape of modern warfare and industry.


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