LAMINAC 4116 Polyester Resin
IPI Specification No: 10126
LAMINAC 4116 Polyester Resin
Viscosity @ 25˚C (RVF#2 @ 20 RPM, cps) | 487.5 |
Acid value | 29 Solids basis |
%NV | 62.5 |
Catalyst | 1.25g DDM-9/100g resin |
RT gel @ 25˚C: | |
– Gel, min | 20 |
– Interval, min | 16.5 |
– Peak, ˚F | 310 |
Handling: This product contains ingredients that could be harmful is mishandled. Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided and necessary protective equipment and clothing should be worn.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) contain health and safety information for your development of appropriate product handling procedures to protect your employees and customers.
Our MSDS should be read and understood by all your supervisory personnel and employees before using this product at your facilities.
Recommended storage: drums – store at temperature below 80˚F. Storage life decreases with increasing storage temperature. Avoid exposure to heat sources such as direct sunlight or steam pipes. For thixed resins, mild agitation is recommended to address thixotrope settling after prolonged storage. To avoid contamination of product with water, do not store outdoors. For monomer-containing resins, keep sealed to prevent moisture pick-up and monomer loss. Rotate stock.
Shelf life: this product has a limited shelf life. Once the container has been opened, the material has a shelf life of three months. When stored in temperatures below 15˚C (59˚F) in a tightly-sealed, unopened container for the duration of storage, the material’s shelf life is extended to six months.
Notice: Island Pyrochemical Industries makes no warranty or representation as to the suitability of the product as specified herein for any particular application. The determination of the suitability of the above specification for any particular use is solely the responsibility of the user.
Island Pyrochemical Industries provides this product specification sheet solely for informational purposes, and reserves the right to change product specifications without prior notification.